The Ohio Museum of Transportation

Museum Roster

Coach 220 - Details

Coach 30-220 as we received it OSU Coach 220 as we received it

Make : Flxible
Year : 1969
Model : 111CC-D5
Serial Number : 54034
Length : 40'
Width : 102"
Height : 118"
Destination Sign : Full Size Manual
Seating : 51
Engine : Detroit Diesel 6V-71
Transmission : Allison V-Drive 2 speed hydraulic governor
Air Conditioning : no
Center Doors : air type
Acquired From : -
Condition : Body needs minor work - Engine/Transmission need work to make operational. Overall Good Condition.
Period : Painted in Unknown livery


This coach was originally delivered to Ohio State University. Built shortly after our CTS Flxible 3028, this coach was acquired due to the good condition of the body. As our 3028 has a questionable frame, this coach may be used to represent 3028 but it has yet to be determined. If we keep both, this will be restored back to the OSU livery.

OSU used 220 as the visible coach number but officially the full fleet number of 30-220 (which was the license plate number) was it's real number for all official paperwork.

Currently this coach is missing seating and had 8 roof vents cut in which will need to be removed. Some minor body rot and a dinged up drivers side skirt panel but the frame appears in good shape.


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Page updated on August 13, 2004